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Reaching all of Zambia and beyond
We have made great strides in collaborating and partnering with the Zambian government. We’re proud to have been the lead partner in the development of national school health and nutrition guidelines and the Ministry of Education’s guidelines for COVID-19.
Adopting the model as an official national standard
At the request of the government, we are working with the Ministries of Education (MoE) and Health on the national adoption of the Healthy Learners model.
We were the lead technical partner on two national documents: School Health and Nutrition Guidelines and COVID-19 Guidelines for Schools. These documents establish our model of school health as a requirement for all schools in Zambia and are official government policy. The MoE established a directorate at its national office for School Health and Nutrition. We are now working with the Ministry to establish school health departments at the provincial and district government levels.
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